• Loss and Damage Research Observatory
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Connect with our Community of Practice

Let's work together to build locally-led solutions

ALL ACT promotes this platform as a co-developed and co-owned space for researchers and organisations from the Global south engaged in research, action and advocacy on issues of climate change induced loss and damage to showcase their groundbreaking work and influence the Global discourse on this issue.

We invite you to connect and contribute to this platform by

  1. Sharing publications from your research in the form of peer-reviewed papers, policy briefs, innovative tools and methodologies,
  2. Writing and publishing your insights on the key issues of climate change in the form of blog posts,
  3. Contributing audio-visual resources in the form of podcasts or vodcasts amplifying voices of communities vulnerable to climate change.

By co-creating this collective repository of knowledge, we can make research from the Global South more visible and impactful.

Share your Podcast / Vodcast

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Share your reserch publications

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Access podcasts, vodcasts, and other audio-visual stories produced by our Community of Practice on climate change induced loss and damage worldwide.

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Empowering Reslilient Futures: Reforming Financial System & Expanding Investment Pathways for SIDS

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Empowering Reslilient Futures: Reforming Financial System & Expanding Investment Pathways for SIDS

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Empowering Reslilient Futures: Reforming Financial System & Expanding Investment Pathways for SIDS

Loss of ecosystem and biodiversity



The Observatory is envisioned to be co-developed and co-owned by the loss and damage community of practice, including a diverse range of stakeholders. It is intended to foster collaboration and networking among these stakeholders, and to facilitate the sharing of evidence-based research to influence the global discourse.



"Stories of Loss & Damage" highlights the transformative power of loss, showcasing personal, societal, and environmental shifts. Through compelling narratives, it invites reflection on how loss reshapes lives, communities, and the world, fostering a deeper understanding of change.

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