• Loss and Damage Research Observatory

About Online museum

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About online museum
About the Online museum

This section aims to document the profound, yet often overlooked, non-economic loss and damage related to cultural heritage, language, places of worship and recreation. Through this online museum, we aim to create a repository that preserves the rich tapestry of human culture, heritage, and identity at risk of being lost and/or damaged by slow or rapid-onset climate change-related events.


  • Preservation and safeguarding

    We are dedicated to digitally preserving and protecting cultural heritage threatened by climate change, including invaluable artefacts, irreplaceable documents, scriptures, texts and other materials that are significant to particular cultures or communities and which give them a sense of identity. The online museum will ensure that even if these elements may be lost on the ground, the online museum will keep them alive and can be a means of sharing this heritage with future generations.

  • Promoting understanding

    By developing this repository of different cultures, traditions, and histories affected by non-economic loss and damage, we aim to foster respect, appreciation and a deeper understanding among communities worldwide.

  • Supporting research

    Support in-depth research, such as valuation, cross-cultural comparison of traditions, beliefs, practices and languages, etc.

About online museum