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A lake to remember: human-made loss disrupting lives in Al Shakhlouba Village, Egypt...
Author :
Abd El Hamid Sherief
Lost to the waves: climate impacts on sacred places in three coastal communities in Fiji...
Authors :
Merewalesi Yee and Karen E McNamara, School of the Environment, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
The ripple effect of lost ecosystems and biodiversity in the Volta River Estuary, a Ramsar site in Ghana...
Authors :
Sylvanus S.P. Doe, Research Fellow,Earth System Governance Project,Utrech University, The Netherlands
Fighting a losing battle? A case study tracking ecosystem loss in nature-dependent Okavango Delta communities of Botswana...
Authors :
Sharon Tshipa, Chairperson, Botswana Society for Human Development (BSHD)
Living in fear: climate-induced disasters damage the health of communities in Kanseche Village, Malawi...
Authors :
TemwaMhone, Correspondent with Nation Publications Limited (NPL-Malawi)
Climate change impacts on health and quality of life in the Makoko Community, Lagos, Nigeria...