• Loss and Damage Research Observatory

Share your Blog post with Loss and Damage Research Observatory

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The loss and damage blog is designed to be a platform for experts and researchers from the Global South working on loss and damage research, policy and action to contribute to and engage with the initiative, thereby expanding its reach and impact.

We are inviting contributions from researchers to this Blog space, which will provide a forum for critical reflections on national and international policies and programmes responding to loss and damage, as well as for the identification and response to the needs of policymakers and others using research evidence on both economic and non-economic loss and damage.

We welcome contributions from the researchers, mentors, and practitioners who are engaged in grassroots action to write about, reflect on, and share their experiences. Loss and Damage Research Observatory invites researchers and practitioners engaged in loss and damage research, policy, or action to submit blogs for publication.

  • Opinion pieces on issues pertaining to loss and damage research, policy, or action
  • Briefing of your research on non-economic loss and damage caused by extreme climate induced events on social fabric, cultural heritage, quality of life, mental and physical health, ecosystem and biodiversity.
  • Stories from the grassroots about locally-led solutions to L&D, impacts/results/achievements/lessons.
  • Short summaries of your publications on L&D issues
  • Articles promoting understanding and appreciation of loss and damage research, new and promising methodologies, tools and frameworks.

Please make sure you read our guidelines carefully before submitting your blog post.

Guidelines for Submission

  • We want blog posts that are original, and unique, covering any of the content ideas related to loss and damage listed above.
  • Blog posts will be reviewed by the staff of L&D Observatory, along with external experts as appropriate. The author may receive feedback.
  • Blog posts should be factually sourced and accurate. As appropriate, please provide reference citations with links.
  • Please include photos or videos with your submission. Images must be 670 pixels wide and must be an original image of your own or from Creative Commons, or properly credited to the original source.if you have a relevant video, please include the URL for it.
  • The L&D Observatory reserves the right to edit for grammar, length, clarity and editorial style. Authors will be notified of any edits prior to publication. Where appropriate, the Observatory may return the paper for revision prior to publication.
  • The suggested length for posts is 750to 1500 words.
  • The title of the post should clearly state the central idea of the post.
  • Authors should submit a short bio and headshot with their post.We accept co-authored posts.
  • An author may submit as many articles as he/she wishes.
  • The Loss and Damage Observatory is planning an online training session with renowned journalists and bloggers. If you would like to participate and interact with them to gain practical insights and improve your blogging skills, you can register for the training.