• Loss and Damage Research Observatory

Ode to the Benahaj River: how a climate-fuelled landslide and subsequent ecosystem loss forced an Indigenous tribe in Vanuatu to relocate

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Systemic, cascading and compound risks and climate hazards have converged to cause two devastating landslides on the indigenous tribal lands of the Molpoi community in the remote island archipelago of Vanuatu. Buried forever under more than 18 million m3 of topsoil is the community’s spiritual centre: the Benahaj River, along with hundreds of sacred sites and endemic plants and animals. While the replacement value is incalculable, and relocation has been the only viable course of action for the village, this case study details concrete actions taken by local champions to address non-economic loss and damage. It outlines opportunities for new and additional LnD finance to utilise nationally defined systems that are premised on a whole of society approach, and which institutionalise community and non-government stakeholders for effective, programmatic, long-term, flexible and culturally appropriate action.