• Loss and Damage Research Observatory

Fighting a losing battle? A case study tracking ecosystem loss in nature-dependent Okavango Delta communities of Botswana

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This case study examined how climate change loss and damage affects Okavango Delta-dependent communities. With a special focus on the tourism sector, the study conducted a content analysis of 18 local newspaper articles published during Botswana’s 2018/2019 devastating drought season that saw the world’s largest inland Delta partially dry up. To ensure rigor when addressing the research objective, analysis and the eventual discussion of the public discourse was triangulated with 28 key informants’ (purposively sampled) interview data. Overall, results showed that loss of ecosystems and biodiversity, loss of quality of life, and loss of cultural heritage to be the top three NELD impacts of greatest concern among Okavango Delta communities. As it stands, Okavango Delta communities are fighting what is clearly a losing battle against climate change. However, should sources of livelihoods become diverse (with reduced dependence on natural resources) and climate change education be made imperative, communities will become more resilient and food security will be possible.