- Loss and Damage Research Observatory
- admin@lossanddamageobservatory.org
This case study examines the climate-related L&D of Severe Category 5 Cyclone Harold in 2020 on the people of remote Western Santo Island, and the ecosystems and environmental services on which they depend. This study looks at the non-economic toll of climate change by putting economic valuations on these often-hidden services. Overall, L&D from Cyclone Harold on environmental services and products in a small area of West Coast Santo amounted to US$39.9 million. This included from forest services, crops, building materials for homes and water supply ecosystem services. The case study examines the pivotal role played by an indigenous grassroots network in flling recovery gaps where government and international NGOs cannot. It seeks additional finance, capacity and technology for developing countries to address, minimise and avert the worst impacts of climate change. |