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Wilson Lechón

Test Climate change specialist

company Consortium of Autonomous Provincial Governments of Ecuador, CONGOPE

degree Simón Bolívar Andean University - Ecuador

Areas of Expertise:

#Climate change, biodiversity and livelihoods #Policy design and strategic project management

Nature of engagement:


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My experience and skills focus on scientific research on climate change governance, climate risk analysis, public policy design for biodiversity conservation, climate change, livelihoods, and sustainable production.

"My professional challenges are to improve my knowledge and skills in climate diplomacy, working with indigenous communities and livelihoods, biodiversity management, and climate change."

Saleemul Huq Memorial Scholarship: Project Update

Simón Bolívar Andean University - Ecuador

Climate Change, Development and Sustainability | Masters Degree

2017-10-01 - 2019-10-30

Consortium of Autonomous Provincial Governments of Ecuador, CONGOPE

| Climate change specialist

2014-11-07 - Present

a) Technical advice: b) Scientific research: c) Climate diplomacy and science d) Project management. e) Territorial planning