- Loss and Damage Research Observatory
- admin@lossanddamageobservatory.org
Research Assistant
Manila Observatory
University of the Philippines Diliman
Areas of Expertise:
Nature of engagement:
Lora Batino is a writer-researcher and geographer focusing on human-environment relations. She completed her Master of Science in Geography at the University of the Philippines Diliman where she studied the intersection of environmental policy, community-based resource management practices, and natural resources to identify the sustainability of local-led conservation activities. She also completed a bachelor's degree in communication research with a special focus on science communication. She works closely with communities, the academe, and national and international agencies in implementing capacity-building projects in the Philippines.
Saleemul Huq Memorial Scholarship: Project Update
Geography | Master of Science
Communication Research | Bachelor of Arts
Philippines | Research Assistant
2021-09-06 - 2024-04-30
As a science and communications officer, I constructed an online database of climate-related training and courses and conducted a gap analyses of climate education and training opportunities in Asia and the Global South. Specific projects I worked on included organizing consultations with various stakeholders on Loss and Damage in Southeast Asia, leading workshops with communities, and creating communication and policy products. I also assisted the Resilience Collaboratory in the development of science-based concept notes and project proposals on climate change mitigation and adaptation and disaster risk reduction and management, and conducted systematic literature review on climate-related studies. Publications and contributions include: A workbook on climate science and policy history, environmental and climate change justice, and issues faced by vulnerable communities in countries in Southeast Asia, a module on climate change science for site-based training on climate science and local projections for adaptation planning, and a policy brief on Loss and Damage.
Philippines | Research Associate
2017-01-07 - 2021-08-31
The research associate provides research, technical analysis, and project related services to support the delivery of local and international-funded projects of the institute. This includes reviewing and compiling key points from training documents, guides, and publications, developing training designs, organizing conferences, and drafting research papers and technical reports. Specific project tasks I completed include: (1) the conduct of scoping activities to outline best practices and lessons learned from case studies in the Philippines, (2) copy-editing management and science-focused modules on natural resource management, (3) organizing workshops and capacity-building activities for protected area managers and local government officials, and (4) initiating consultations with scientific and technical experts to draft and revise official publications. I also drafted official correspondence, letters, and presentations of the network for external and internal engagements of the Community Ecology Laboratory, and created written and visual publicity materials for international academic conferences.
Remote | Systematic Conservation Planning Manual Developer
2022-12-15 - 2023-06-30
The Systematic Conservation Planning (SCP) Manual Developer provides technical support and outputs in relation to designing marine protected area networks (MPAN) at national, regional and provincial levels and organizing workshops to facilitate adoption of SCP for designing MPANs in USAID project sites in the Philippines. The manual created by the team and the developer will serve as a documentation of site activities conducted under the USAID project, and as a guide for planners in the Philippines in designing their MPA networks
Philippines | Project Researcher
2020-07-01 - 2021-01-29
The project researcher designed a qualitative, participatory research study on climate-resilient fisheries and mangrove rehabilitation in Southern Philippines and conducted in-depth interviews and focus groups on field to complement policy review and desk research. Other project tasks completed include the analysis of regional maps and national spatial data on large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) in the Philippines and the preparation of a report and communication materials on LSLAs.