- Loss and Damage Research Observatory
- admin@lossanddamageobservatory.org
Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST)
Moi University, Kenya
Areas of Expertise:
Nature of engagement:
Humphrey Agevi has vast experience in teaching at the university level and research that spans several years. His research and teaching experience spans the area of forest-agriculture interface with a focus on agroforestry, climate change mitigation, adaptation, nature-based solutions (NbS), loss and damage, and community resilience. He has won some grants as a principal investigator and as a co-investigator. He is a key contributor to the development of several national and international peer-reviewed journals, books, conference papers, proceedings, and presentations. He has experience in computer proficiency with extensive MS Office, GIS, Remote Sensing and Biodiversity R.
"Research is the ultimate solution to addressing the global problems humanity is facing currently. Sustainable investment in research through innovative funding especially for early career researchers should be given the utmost attention who develop innovative solutions and save Mother Nature from becoming extinct. "
Saleemul Huq Memorial Scholarship: Project Update
2024-09-04 Loss of ecosystem and biodiversity
Kakamega Forest, a remnant of the tropical rainforest is facing a lot of pressur...Read more
Category: Loss of ecosystem and biodiversity
Region: Africa
Country: Kenya
Village: Kakamega, Kenya
Description: Kakamega Forest, a remnant of the tropical rainforest is facing a lot of pressure attributed to anthropogenic activities in addition to the exacerbating effects of climate change. This has led to the extinction of certain species, as well as shifts in the distribution and abundance of other species. This has led to the loss of key ecosystem goods and the services that the forest ecosystem provides to the communities surrounding it. These include medicinal products, feeds for livestock, fruits, regulation of climate, and water sources among others. This results in greater impacts on the lives, living conditions, and livelihoods of the most vulnerable people around the forest including women and men, disabled people, children, young people, older people, and Indigenous groups). At the level of community and society, the loss of biodiversity and forest cover has led to the loss of customs, places of rituals, and cultural heritage, especially in areas of the forest where the sub-tribe of the Luhya community undertakes the initiation rights. This exacerbates other risks including increasing poverty levels, and the health of communities. To support these communities, there is a need for targeted training and awareness creation, establishing communities of practices (COP) to support engagements, support on-farm tree growing especially of medicinal and fruit trees, support strengthening of policies at county/sub-national level that advocates for integration of nature-based solutions to address loss and damage, enhance extension services to further train communities and promote farmer field schools and smart villages technologies that provide continuous education.
Environmental Biology | PhD
2014-09-04 - 2020-11-04
Thesis Subject: Determination of Species Abundance, Diversity and Carbon Stocks in Kakamega Forest Ecosystem
Environmental Biology | Master of Science
2009-08-04 - 2012-11-09
Thesis Subject: Effects of Canopy Tree Remnant in Seedling Germination and Establishment in Degraded areas of Kakamega Forest
Education Science (Biology and Chemistry option) | Degree
2004-10-04 - 2004-12-09
Scored First class Honors
UNITAR | Climate Change and Health
Equipped with knowledge of the nexus between climate change and Health and the process of negotiations during the COP meetings
Norwegian Research Training Institute | Research
The process of developing a fundable proposal and how to mobilize resources
Training Centre in Communication (TCC)-University of Nairobi (UoN) |
Trained on how to communicate to non-scientists
UNITAR | Climate Change
Equipped with skills on the application of EbA for climate resilience
Social and Environmental Trade offs in African Agriculture and RUFORUM | Environmental Biology
Trained in Data analysis using biodiversity techniques
Global Programme on Nature for Development, UNDP, NBSAP FORUM and The Nature Conservancy | Environmental Biology
Elements of resilience thinking and their applications to climate change
Sustainable Development Organization |
June 4, 2023
Trained on integrated implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and AU Agenda 2063
Independent global network-based organisation-Germany |
January 3, 2022
Initiative that engages in projects in action-oriented research, effective advisory services, impactful capacity development, learning, and training to provide solutions facing the global south;
Clinton Foundation together with Australian Government |
February 4, 2015
Awarded to pursue my PhD studies
April 6, 2009
Awarded as an initiative to support research and education on geographic technologies for biodiversity and conservation in Africa
Regular Member
2023-01-31 - Present
Membership comprises members within the ecological field
2024-05-04 - Present
Discuss Issues around Climate change, adaptation, mitigation, and loss and damage
Kakamega, Kenya | Lecturer
2013-03-01 - Present
Responsibilities Teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students undertaking programs in Environmental Science and Natural Resources and Management; Supervision of students at both undergraduate and postgraduate students in project and thesis development; Development of course content and learning materials; contributed to the development of university curriculum for programs in my areas of expertise; Supported the designing, conducting, writing, and disseminating of high-quality research and communicating research findings through research papers, journal articles, reports, policy briefs, and other outlets; Participated in networking with relevant researchers, policymakers, and civil society actors at national, regional, and international levels; Developed and implemented partnerships, convenings, research, engagement opportunities, and collective action on a range of cross-cutting issues related to the climate-nature-food nexus. Achievements Supervised 6 postgraduate students to completion, research assistants collaborated with over 15 partners, and published 21 peer-reviewed journal articles, 1 book, 4 book chapters plus more than 10+ knowledge products including blogs, and technical reports. Led the implementation and participated as a co-principal investigator and research scientist in over 10 research and development focusing on quantifying the benefits of climate-smart agricultural practices, modeling of soil carbon dynamics and nature-based climate solutions (NbCS).
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