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Amila Lankapura

Test Lecturer

company Rajarata University of Sri Lanka

degree Rajarata University of Sri lanka

Areas of Expertise:

#Sustainable community development #Climate change & development #Development communication

Nature of engagement:

#Research #Action #Training #Advocacy #Consultancy

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I am an early career professional specializing in sustainable community development, focusing on issues like poverty, food security, and climate change in vulnerable communities in Sri Lanka and South Asia. My work on climate change covers climate impacts, vulnerability, adaptation, resilience, loss & damage, and mitigation. I have authored numerous research-based and professional publications, earning international and national recognition for my contributions to climate change research and action. Passionate about building resilient communities, I am dedicated to addressing global development challenges related to climate change, committed to enhancing sustainability and resilience in the face of environmental challenges.

"Uniting research with action, I strive to transform vulnerable communities into resilient strongholds against climate change and related shocks & stressors. My dedication to sustainability is driven by a vision where enhanced resilience isn't just a goal, but a cornerstone of development in every community facing environmental challenges. "

Saleemul Huq Memorial Scholarship: Project Update

Rajarata University of Sri lanka

Climate change adaptation | Master of Philosophy (MPhil) - Reading


University of Peradeniya

Agricultural Economics | Master of Sciences (MSc) - Reading


Rajarata University of Sri Lanka

Agriculture | Bachelor of Sciences


Certificate of Teaching in Higher Education (CTHE)

Rajarata University of Sri lanka | Education


Training on Researching Climate-induced Loss and Damage for Equitable Climate Financing

International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) in collaboration with the Institute for Study and Development Worldwide (IFSD) | Climate-induced Loss and Damage


Course on Locally Led Adaptation (LLA) And Local Loss And Damage: A Nexus Approach

Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) and International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) | Locally Led Adaptation (LLA) And Local Loss And Damage


Training on Rural Development for Developing Countries

International Poverty Reduction Center in China, Sponsored by Ministry of Commerce People`s Republic of China | Rural Development


Course on Climate Change and Agricultural Sustainable Development for Developing Countries

International Exchange Centre of Yangling Demonstration Zone, sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce of the People`s Republic of China | Climate change & Sustainable Development


Training award for Climate Resilience Academy for South Asia

International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) |

August 30, 2022

Training award for Short Course on Locally Led Adaptation (LLA) And Local Loss And Damage: A Nexus Approach

Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) and International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) |

June 30, 2023

Story grant for “Voices from the Frontline” for the story on “Impact of an unprecedented cold spell on northern Sri Lankan cattle farms: A tale of devastation”

Global Resilience Partnership |

August 30, 2023

Young Scientists Forum (YSF)


2016-03-31 - Present

Sri Lanka Forum of University Economists


- Present

Anuradhapura & Rajarata University Toastmasters Club - Toastmasters International


- Present

Rajarata University of Sri Lanka

Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka | Lecturer

2021-02-15 - Present

My responsibilities span teaching, research, and outreach mainly in the field of sustainable community development. I teach subjects such as community development, development communication, and project management at the higher education level. My research approach is primarily mixed-method and field-based, conducted both independently and in collaboration with undergraduates and fellow scholars. In outreach, I focus on engaging rural farming communities and other stakeholders involved in community development, tailoring programs to diverse groups including adults, youth, women, and the disabled. These efforts aim to directly impact and enhance community resilience and development